Mother's Day was yesterday... below is a photo of my mommy, me, and my siblings. She had all 4 of us by the time she was 24... goodness no wonder she is sitting down! As a young child this is how I remember my mom... on floor playing with us and leaving the rest to just be.
I lost my mom at 13 ... so I don't have lots of memories over the years so to speak. I don't know what it would be like to navigate life as an adult and still have my Mother's influence. I miss that although I am not always sure what I am missing until I look at some of my friend's moms... or some of the key people that I have met and stuck with along the way.
I am so glad that I have people in my life to help me know how to mother my kids. I finally got around to posting the one of my kiddos and me... Happy Mother's Day!