Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Zoo... just me and the kids

I packed up the kids by myself on Tuesday and drove down to Seattle to the Zoo. It was raining on the way down (a little). I didn't care... I NEEDED to be out of the house and we have a membership and I packed lunch. So besides the gas we were looking at a FREE day. (Okay so I did pay for a ride on the carousel). Turns out the rain had really stopped by the time we got there and the sun actually came out for most of the day. Some of my mommy friends think I am nuts for doing the outings I do with all 3 kids By MYSELF. I find it rather challenging and I get a lot of satisfaction out taking them and exposing them to the outside world. I love the zoo and the kids have been a lot. They love it. I love it. We saw lots of things... Elephants, a baby gorilla, and Orangatan swinging on a vine (you don't see that every time), Zebras, and so much more. I love my kids and I will deeply miss this stage when it is over... I like pushing a stroller, opening up cheese sticks, toting a diaper bag, and trying to cram 4 people into one bathroom stall. These are fun times.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures you got of all three kids! If I didn't HATE to drive I think I would be more adventurous with the kids. Taking them out sure is easier than it was when I had one. (Ironic, but you get a lot more skilled and confident.) Your kids are lucky that you are eager to take them out and about.


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